We are developing an ambitious plan to obtain energy from our own sources. By 2025 we want to achieve energy self-sufficiency, thus contributing towards improving the environment.
Wind power
Energy self-sufficiency by 2025
Sunlight and wind are the main renewable energy sources for electricity generation. Aside from their economic advantages, it is mainly climate change mitigation that is leading us to invest in new technologies and to construct photovoltaic power plants and wind farms.
Energy self-sufficiency by 2025 is the first step in the development of our ambitious goals and investments in sustainable energy generation.
We will build four photovoltaic power plants on our own sites.
The total installed capacity of the photovoltaic power plants will be
The total installed capacity of the Oriv wind power plant is 59 MW
Photovoltaic power plants covered approximately 66 % of our energy consumption by 2024.
The anticipated annual production from the ten installed turbines
In September 2021 construction of a wind farm in Ukraine was started. Installation of the last wind turbine, out of a total of 10 units, was completed in November 2023.
In early January 2024, all necessary certificates and permits for operation were obtained. During January, the turbines were in test mode, and in mid-February 2024, power supply to customers officially started.
The project was built and co-financed in cooperation with our Ukrainian partner. Many thanks to
them for the successful completion of the project.
V provozu
Fotovoltaická elektrárna Orlová byla uvedena do provozu v květnu roku 2023.
In service
Czech republic
Average annual electricity generation over the last six years has reached 890 MWh.
Under construction
Czech republic
Project of the Photovoltaic Power Plant in Ždánice Oil and Gas Gathering Centre operated by MND a.s.
registration number:
is co-financed by the European Union. The project aims to increase the power generation from renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic.
The brownfield site of a former agricultural cooperative has been transformed into a modern and
efficient photovoltaic power plant. The combination of powerful photovoltaic panels and a low load-
bearing structure allowed for the maximum potential of the area to be exploited. The leading-edge
technology and favorable solar conditions will allow annual production of up to 2,480 MWh.
The project was co-financed by the Modernization Fund according to the decision of the State
Environmental Fund of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic – registration number
Unikátní projekt Agrovoltaika se nachází poblíž cyklostezky u obce Starý Poddvorov
Právě ve výstavbě
Česká republika
Vybudování vlastní výrobny elektrické energie, která umožní pokrýt velkou část spotřeby společnosti.