We consider geothermal energy as a very suitable type of renewable energy. It is stable, available everywhere, and practically independent of the time of day, season and the weather.
Using energy from the Earth’s core
Reducing the carbon footprint
A renewable energy source for the future
We are examining the potential for using our exhausted wells for geothermal energy, including the influence of the geological and technical parameters and their equipment on the possibilities for obtaining thermal energy. We are mapping new areas of deep and shallow wells that we could reuse in the future.
Similar to the construction of wind and photovoltaic farms, geothermal energy is a low-emissions source that will make it possible to reduce the quantities of CO2 in the atmosphere in the future.
This type of energy comes from obtaining heat from underground water, soil and rock using new geothermal wells or existing exhausted wells.
The relatively shallow depths of our existing wells and thus the low temperatures of the surrounding rock mean we will need to use heat pumps. Deeper wells can however be used directly or under specific circumstances for heat and electricity cogeneration.
The number of additional wells for use.
The aim of the project was to find a possible potential for meaningful use of the probes after the oil and gas reservoirs have been tapped.
Projekt byl zahájen v březnu 2023 a bude ukončen v březnu 2025.
Cílem projektu je vytvoření play fairway systému pro vyhledávání nízkoteplotních geotermálních systémů v sedimentárních pánvích s aplikací na Vídeňskou pánev. Projekt je spolufinancován ve spolupráci s Technologickou agenturou ČR.