This technology combines power and heat generation. By using both commodities produced, it
achieves a high overall efficiency of energy conversion while reducing greenhouse gas (CO2)
Electricity and heat production
Improving energy efficiency
Safer operation
We see cogeneration as one of the most natural procedures in terms of the economical use of our resources. We want to apply the CHP principle at all MND sites wherever it makes economic sense.
We have a cogeneration unit in operation in Dambořice, which will cover approximately 60% of the
electricity production of this mining site and almost 90% of the thermal energy needs, achieving an
overall fuel conversion efficiency of 75 to 80%.
The application of CHP heat exchangers will significantly reduce the frequency and operating time of open-flame burners in heating appliances, which will also improve the safety of our existing equipment.
We will have constructed four CHP units and have shifted electricity generation yet further towards energy self-sufficiency by the end of 2025.
With the help of the CHP technology in Dambořice we achieved a reduction of CO2 emissions by about 300t per year, compared to the state before the installation of the unit.
The current installed output of the unit is 200 kW.
The maximum thermal output of the unit is 237 kW.
We have put a Cento 200 cogeneration unit into operation at the centre in Dambořice.
Thermal energy obtained from the cogeneration unit
CHP pilot project in our extraction operations
Thermal energy obtained from the cogeneration unit
Kogenerační jednotka byla dokončena, čeká se na kolaudační souhlas.
Thermal energy obtained from unit
Currently in the stage of project preparation, documentation, CHP unit manufactured.
Instalovaný elektrický výkon
Záměrem je instalace výrobního modulu elektrické energie ze zemního plynu těženého v lokalitě Borkovany, složeného z šesti motorgenerátorů o celkovém instalovaném elektrickém výkonu 3000 kW.