Activities in the field of renewable energy sources (RES)
We use carbon-neutral sources such as solar energy, wind or rain. We work on wind and photovoltaic power plant projects.
We are introducing greener technologies and changing how we obtain energy in accordance with our environmental commitments.
Innovating current projects
Reducing the carbon footprint
Green methods for obtaining energy
We are working with new energy sources and are part of the transformation of society
We are developing and introducing the most modern technologies which, in the future, will bring about reduced emissions and help us achieve energy self-sufficiency using renewable sources. We are building our strategy on two pillars, using our experience and resources from our traditional business to introduce new technologies in energy and environmental protection, areas in which we see our new business opportunities.
One of our targets is to achieve 100% self-sufficiency using RES in the near future.
Oil and gas will play an important role in demand for energy for at least the next 30 years, even in the most demanding energy-transformation scenarios.
We are actively involved in projects focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as we consider this to be of key importance for environmental protection.
The quality and development of companies in all sectors have always been closely connected with the creation of mutually beneficial partnerships, and this has been no different in our sector. We feel that today, during this period of energy transformation, this is more important than ever before.
We believe that close cooperation between energy producers, technology manufacturers, energy traders, lawmakers and communities will lead to progress and the fulfilment of the transformation goals.
In 09/2021 construction of a wind farm in Ukraine was started. Installation of the last wind turbine,
out of a total of 10 units, was completed in 11/2023.
In early January 2024, all necessary certificates and permits for operation were obtained. During January, the turbines were in test mode, and in mid-February 2024, power supply to customers officially started.
The project was built and co-financed in cooperation with our Ukrainian partner. Many thanks to
them for the successful completion of the project.
mil. EUR
MND has joined NANO Advanced Electrolysis s.r.o. to develop its own scalable 200 kW - 1 MW electrolyser, whose control system would use artificial intelligence features to achieve higher efficiency hydrogen production.
More about the company:
Záměrem je instalace výrobního modulu elektrické energie ze zemního plynu těženého v lokalitě Borkovany, složeného z šesti motorgenerátorů o celkovém instalovaném elektrickém výkonu 3000 kW.
New Business Development Director