Safety and sustainability are the most important components of MND’s activities. Our priority is protecting the health of both our employees and the people living around us.
MND Energy Storage
Construction and operation of underground gas storage facilities.
MND Drilling & Services
Exploration and mining drilling, geothermal energy drilling.
“A person naturally loves the region in which they grew up and feels some responsibility for its development. We care about MND’s participation in the life of the community and do everything we can to ensure that people have good lives in our region.”
Jana Hamršmídová
We have a long-term focus on activities that maintain centuries-old traditions, protect the environment and contribute towards our children’s engagement in sport and knowledge development. We care for our region and create space for communities to cooperate.
Our current projects include the renovation of Olivetská hora (Mount of Olives), the refinement of the Lesopark Bažantnice Dúbrava forest park, and the establishment of Školka v pohybu (Kindergarten in Motion).
We traditionally focus on exploring for and extracting crude oil and natural gas, but are newly focusing on environmentally friendly technologies such as CCS (Carbon Capture Storage), renewable energy sources and others.
We are the largest drilling contractor in the Czech Republic, where we carry out extraction and exploration drilling, drilling for gas storage facilities, and hydro and geothermal drilling.
We have constructed and operate strategically important gas storage facilities.
We supply electricity and gas to a quarter of a million consumption points in the Czech Republic.
Since 2002, we have operated the Stockstadt and Hähnlein underground storage facilities with the capability to store hydrogen in natural gas admixtures of up to 5% H2. This is how we can store transformed electricity.
We have been actively developing activities focused on the exploration and extraction of natural hydrocarbons, primarily natural gas, in Ukraine since 2014.
Here, too, we are focusing on using renewable energy sources. The largest current project of this nature is the construction of the Oriv wind farm.
With our most powerful Bentec 450 drilling rig we are participating in a geothermal well in Cornwall in Britain, creating a renewable, recirculating energy source for the EDEN locality there. With this contract, we have made significant progress in the promising geothermal energy segment.
He is the founder of KKCG and focuses primarily on its long-term strategic development. In cooperation with the other members of the Board of Directors and the management of the individual holdings, he sets the investment strategy in individual key areas of interest and participates in the creation of long-term partnerships, especially with foreign investors and business partners.
He was also involved in the creation of a number of public benefit projects, including the Dvořák Prague Festival and the Proměny Foundation.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of KKCG, MND Group A.G, MND, and MND Drilling & Services.
Miroslav Jestřabík has held top management positions at KKCG since 1998. He is responsible for the management, development and strategy of the Energy Sector pillar. He held executive positions in the banking sector prior to joining KKCG.
He has worked at KKCG since 2003, and participated in managing the restructuring of the MND group between 2006 and 2010. He was a member and later vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board of SPP Bohemia, the operator of the underground gas storage facility at Dolní Bojanovice, for three years from 2007. He was appointed chairman of the Board of Directors of Moravia Gas Storage in 2011, and currently holds the position of member of the Supervisory Board there.
She joined the predecessor of today’s MND after graduating in 1987, spending a large part of her professional career there in expert technical and management positions in the fields of hydrocarbon deposit exploration and extraction and underground natural gas storage.
She worked abroad in Slovakia and Austria from 2004 to 2010 in the same fields.
In 2010, she returned to MND as director of the Geology Section. She was appointed director of the Energy Sector Division in 2019.
He studied Economics and National Economy at the Technical University of Ostrava, and initially worked as an analyst after graduation. He has worked in the energy business since 2001. He worked for the Swiss company Alpiq for 12 years. He has been at MND since 2017, and was appointed director of the Trading Division in 2019.
Annual reports
Audit Committee
Born on 24. 6. 1957
Residing in M. Benky 3321/14, 695 01 Hodonín
The Auditor, member of the Czech Chamber of Auditors, authorization No. 1681
Independent member with a special qualification
Member of the Audit Committee since 13.3.2018
Born on 20. 10. 1963
Residing in Výstavní 4470/27, Hodonín, PSČ 695 01
The Auditor, member of the Czech Chamber of Auditors, authorization No.1623
Member of the Audit Committee 15. 5. 2024
Born on 22. 9. 1972
Residing in Čs. armády 38, 691 41 Břeclav - Poštorná
Member with a basic qualification
Member of the Audit Committee 13.3.2018